The Wait for Normalcy

I walk in the room
Take off that shirt, no tie
Oh my, all that’s on my mind’s the ties we had
I believe we still have
I run my hand through my stubborn hair right down the middle where it’ll split in two halves
My focus has been distracted a while
I thought I stopped thinking so much about you
But I only started thinking about not thinking about you
Though I stopped thinking so much, I kept caring
Even though you pushed me far away, I crept
crawling slowly, painfully
Truthfully, trust me, I can wait for normalcy
Even if it never comes to be
I know there’s no “supposed to be”
Last I checked, this is way deliberate than I get
Everyone says I’ll soon forget
And I’m optimistically hoping that when I do
I’ll be like the 95 year old with Alzheimer’s with a woman by his bed
That his every cell and bone tell him he should know,even when his head
Says “no”
He’ll reason with the essence of his very being not the brain that fails him
And that one way he’ll go.